The Novato Historical Guild is a membership nonprofit organization founded in 1976.Novato Historical Guild

Mission: To collect, preserve and make reasonably available to the public exhibits and information related to the history of the Novato area.

The focus is on the greater Novato area from the land grant days of the early 1800’s to the present. The Marin Museum of the American Indian in Novato focuses on the history of the Coast Miwoks.

Guild volunteers staff and support the Novato History Museum and the Hamilton Field History Museum in a partnership agreement with the City of Novato. The City owns the museum buildings and the historical collections, and the Guild ensures that the museums are open to the public for educational exhibits and historical research.

The Guild hosts quarterly membership meetings, with guest speakers on local historic topics, and publishes The Novato Historian, a quarterly newsletter.


There are several ways you can support the work of the Guild. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to the Guild are tax deductible. Donations to the Novato Historical Guild are used to support the exhibits, educational programs and upkeep of the two museums.

Grant Avenue, Novato



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